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Forum Posts

Mar 20, 2022
In Open Forum
Life with God comes with the revelation that Jesus is God. If the bible is true and the ancient scriptures which predate Christ show the prophesies through David about a seat on his throne existing forevor, a light to us the gentiles, ezisted 50 years before christ was born. Then take into in context the extensive archeoligistical evidence for all biblical people. If need references contact me brother. Then the jews and Romans both agreedJesus was magic, Jews killed him biblically for being a heretical sorceror, romans record his death as a sorceror. Then think in the time God had slaughtered all his enemies who believed in child sacrifice and slavery, and jews who knew this and feared him said they saw him walk after His conquest over death. Thats hell by their belief. Then fast forward, man realizes the universe is dying as per the third law of thermodynamics, and is like oh shit everything at one point came from nothing. Matter needed a begginning. So big bang, what is it... condensed matter and an ion storm, where did it come from. Say the explosion happened and we were a molten ball for 400k years ask yourself. Where did oxygen come from, ik stars is what the world says, then look at star sized sermons and ask yourself would we not just be star matter, even then what burns that creates matter. God said He breathed, breath, life is Gods. Skip this, 1950 a study showed amino acids could be formed in hydrogen on the condition there was no oxygen, but the smithsonian shows oxygen in fossils all the way back, if that was true then ask yourself this, most 99.9%of life forms require oxygen in short windows to survive. So over millions of years of flip book ameoba lifeform evolution there would be a minutes window for life to create blood and live, do you believe dormant half formed creatures exited that arent in the fossil record. But not lastly, say all this happened and mutation takes millions of years, how without a higher design did 2 creatures with compatible mating genes form in the same millionth of a window. Look at breeding success rates and why species cant interbreed. Then look at how the nobel prize was awarded for the discovery that the host protects its genes by repair genes. Then read about how they exist in sperm. Jesus is the way, repent, seek His heart. Aside from this God(jesus) said we should treat eachother with equality. The temptation to steal that job, girl, friend from others comes from fear of death. Jesus said He stole the sting from death, he never ztole anyones girl, he never lied for the promotion he never flexed for fame. He said Love, He said Godis love(google ephesians definition of love), He said those who choose inequality, pompous lording over the weak, those who have powerwho dont use it to bring the poor up, they missed life. His life is open to the repentant and those who find the soft vibe of love.


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